Packing Materials Uk HELP..(XBOX 360)Cannot Download From Current Location. Waw Map Pack 3,*im Military* Change Location Somehow?

HELP..(XBOX 360)Cannot download from current location. waw map pack 3,*im military* change location somehow? - packing materials uk

ok heres the problem, I live in the UK, because I'm from the militairy is my xbox American, and Americans have begun to be able to use the points on the basis of militairy I SELL recently purchased 4000 Points to download the Cod WAW Map Pack 3 because it looks pretty good. Heres the problem, because in Britain says the download song i can download its current location, I called Xbox support and after several attempts, got the answer that I can do something. I think that with you to set up a new account is pretty stupid and cost me a fortune and is basically the qeustion,
I have a friend to go to online and download from Xbox Live for me in the States, but in my console int here that the United Kingdom, but started up 99 percent and says it can not be downloaded maps, this also all the material now cod. The only reasonably sure that it is doing something to my position in the UK rather than the United States with which I know is boring, but I mean cmon someone has to Xbox have the power to do so. I really do not like haveing to fly to the states to download maps oi feelInkt is ridiculous. Xbox If someone information that could help me out and would be much appreciated what I have to do is a game, and it seems that the Xbox more and more problems then fun.

I think basically we have to look but that's you know, there's a way to hack it? remember, or someone to fix it for me. I think in militairy mean nothing to people on the Xbox, or is it. Can not honestly say. would be very grateful if someone would help me.


opurt said...

OK, so you (the problem the country know the IP of your 360 does not match the country of your gamertag) and even how to solve (using a proxy), but the problem is that "there are forces that can be used 360th does not support this simple.

But even that is not really blame Microsoft - Treyarch is to examine the region DLC force. They have no trouble downloading DLC for other games, right? Microsoft does what it says Treyarch and ensure that people do not buy the DLC border.

Vidkon said...

This is not the country has reached the Xbox and the country of your gamertag. IP is the place where the Internet connection that is causing the problem. There is a way you can change its location by the piracy of intellectual property and we believe that it is illegal, but whatever.

Milk84 said...

Unfortunately, I think there is much you can do. Because some things like the Xbox region code, region settings, and points are American, but your IP address is in the United Kingdom, in conflict.
If you have to buy a UK 360 stores in the United Kingdom and then to an account in the UK, you'd no trouble downloading the packages.

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